About Photographer

Who is Aurel Virlan as photographer?

Biografia unui fotograf pasionat

In 1991 I became a member of the AAFR (Art Photographers Association of Romania).

I worked for 4 years as senior photographer for Agerpres (The National Press Agency) and I am qualified as a fashion, advertising and wedding photographer.

I graduated  the University of Image and Film (UNATC -I.L.Caragiale Bucharest) and two other schools of photography and photojournalism (two years each).


Aurel Virlan and Wedding Art Photography photo-exhibition
Aurel Virlan and Wedding Art Photography photo-exhibition

As photographer I have had many photo exhibitions, including one entry in the *Photography Yearbook 1993* – London and I participated in the *54th International Photographic Salon of Japan*.

One of my last photo exhibition was *Wedding Art Photography*, the first Romanian wedding and *Trash the dress* photographic exhibition.


Expozitia cu fotografii de nunti si Trash the Dress - "Weddding Art Photography" -
Expozitia cu fotografii de nunti si Trash the Dress – „Weddding Art Photography”

As a result of many years of work and experiments, I reached a unique style as a wedding photojournalist, through which I beautifully capture the ephemeral emotions of the wedding day.

In 2008 I become WPJA wedding photojournalist (WPJA – Wedding Photojournalist Association) and I win Gold Medallion Medal and since 2011 I am ISPWP wedding photographer (The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers).


Pentru cei care vor sa stie mai mult despre fotograful Aurel Virlan ii astept cu mare drag sa stam de vorba.

Puteam sa prezint un CV Fotograf dar nu prea cred ca lumea este interesata chiar de tot ce faci. Poate scriu o carte! O carte despre fotografie sau poate o carte care sa cuprinda memoriile unui Fotograf.

Nu-i graba.

Deocamdata am inceput sa scriu Cursuri de Fotografie on-line.

Din cand in cand organizez cate un Workshop/Atelier Foto.

Recent am avut Workshop de Fotografie in Vama Veche.

Altfel, imi place sa fac fotografii.

Imi place dansul Luminii cu Umbra, imi place Natura, imi plac Oamenii.

Eu vad Fotografia ca mod de a ma putea exprima.

Eu vad Fotografia ca pe un Limbaj Universal Esperanto!


Fotograful Aurel Virlan la fereastra hotel Lisabona Portugalia 2016
Fotograful Aurel Virlan la fereastra hotel Lisabona Portugalia 2016